
Thursday 14 June 2018

Darth Vader is actually an Indian Descendant

Darth Vader was a descendant  of the Vodeyar Dynasty of Mysore, his birth name was Dattathreya Vodeyar, in his early days he broke the royal code and did something inadmissible, something so bad that it is hidden from the books of history as a result he was banished and seeked refuge in the distant galaxy (or something like that ) and built fake stories about his birth and early days. During the days od dussera if you observe carefully, the preists still chant his name in the pooja mantra.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Tattoo |Why its permanent | Getting| removing|

Tattooing is a growing trend these days, tattoos were used as identity in certain tribes, and same with gangs also. Now some people do it for the sake of fashion, to look manlier, some just get a tattoo because their friends have one.
I will tell you what you have to do before getting inked, but before that let’s see how tattoos are done , Why it lasts forever and how to get rid of it.
Be it thousand years ago or now, basic underlying principle is still the same, Injecting color pigments deep into the skin such that it stays there forever. Skin has multiple layers, the top layer is the epidermis and the layer below that is the dermis. We shed about a million skin cells a day on the outer layer, that is the reason why wounds, scratches or any temporary discoloration fades and vanishes overtime, but once the ink is deposited in the dermis (the deep layer) it stays there. Tattoos are known to lose color and fade away with time. There are many reasons for that, one being the sun exposure and improper care during the early days of the tattoo.
The recent tattoo machines are modelled after Thomas Edison’s engraving machine, depending on the type of the device the needle pierces your skin 50 to 3000 times per minute, sending in the colour pigments mostly made of metal oxides, when these gets lodged in the that particular place it gives the desired effect.

So about removal, there are widely known 2 ways to remove a tattoo
1.      Laser
2.      Ultraviolet rays
After few years the die or color stored in the skin fades away after smaller particles of ink are removed by the body, the body pull it into blood stream and the kidney filters it off and send through urine. When you use the Laser tattoo removal what you basically do is breakdown the ink which was not removed naturally by body. Once the ink is broken into smaller particles the circulatory system will take care of removing them, yes you will pee your tattoo.
So yes that’s how it’s done

Before you get a tattoo of your Girlfriend or Boyfriend just know that only small percentage of relationships are successful , chances are that your relationship may not be forever but your tattoo will be, so think about that, You can show your love in 100’s of different ways, Leave this one.
You might like a creative, unique design or a word that totally defines you. That doesn’t mean you should get a tattoo of it, chances are that your tattoo guy will share it with others and many more will have the same tattoo which you thought was unique. Not so unique now, is it. Even if you get an awesome unique tattoo, new people might get amazed but for a person who sees that on a daily basis it gets okay’ish after some days, so think again.
Do this, get that design printed and put it on your bedroom wall for a month, if you still like it after a month then maybe you get that tattoo.
Get a temporary tattoo, if you like it even after it fades them maybe think about getting a permanent one.
Unlike other things that you put on or into your body tattoo inks have not regulation from FDA the manufacturer need not mention what all of the ingredients are, your friendly tattoo guy is also clueless in most cases, he will just say he has used it on many and its safe and he sterilizes all his equipment.
Since at some instant of your life the ink will be in the bloodstream, it’s better to do your research

It’s a relatively expensive process not just in terms of money but in terms of health risk and image you carry, so next time before you wish getting something tattooed,
“Think before you ink”